Friday, February 20, 2009

So, here at the pictures from our Volcano Activity today!!!! I think everyone enjoyed doing the volcanoes and I am very proud of each of you for your hard work. Hope you all have a great Mardi Gras break and stay safe. See you all on Thursday.

And, finally, everyone with their projects!!!!



Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays!

I know that it has been a long time since I posted, but I am very busy. Today, however, while I should be visiting family and friends, I am instead home with sick little girls. Check this out...

You know they don't feel good when they set up there own bed (on the floor so they don't throw up in their beds)and go right off to sleep. This usually does not happen.

We did get to spend Christmas Eve with my family and exchange gifts. The kids played and had a ball. We all go in our PJ's and have supper then sit around the tree opening our gifts.

I hope all of you are enjoying your time off and hopefully Santa brought you all that you wanted. I am sorry that I missed the party so if any of you can let me know how it went, I would appreciate it. I'll see you all NEXT YEAR!!!! 2009 (practice writing it)


Oh, and from my family to yours.....

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

It's been awhile!

So, we are now offically on our first extended time off of school. The Thanksgiving holidays! For me, this break signifies the start of a long string of breaks to come. It also brings to mind the crazy behaviors you little people start to exhibit. For some reason you seem to forget that we have rules at school. Or that I am there to teach and you to learn. Please try to contain yourselves for the love of God! Oh, I guess I am not suppose to mention you know who. I hope I didn't offend anyone.

Well, on a more positive note, I hope your first day off of school was as fabulous as mine! I slept until 7 (which is 2 hours longer than I usually sleep), went to the gym, came home, played with my children, showered and went to my most favorite store ever!!! Hobby Lobby! I am sure the boys are making faces right about now, but you girls know what I am talking about. This was not just any old trip, but one where I went alone! No children, no husband! It was fabulous. I just walked up and down the isles about a hundred times. My children are obsessed with tutus (for those of you who don't know what this is- it's something that ballerina's wear). See the pic below.

I decided that I would be crafty and make them red and green ones for Christmas. I went to get what I needed and I must say I did a great job. I will post a pic when I take one of them in there new tutus. I will be spending the day tomorrow with my parents, sister and her husband and baby, and my girls and husband. We are going to have Santa over for some pictures and supper. I'll add a pic or two of that too.

Let me know how your break is going. I'll add one more pic before I go and I think we all know who this is for. Hope you all have a great weekend and I'll be back soon.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008


So i found this little quote that I thought would be perfect for our conversation that we had in 7th today. I really hope that our discussion had an affect on each of you. I care about each of you and will always have your back!

Here is another little phrase that I love so I will close with this:

I may not be the most perfect person in the world.... but I make the most perfect ME!!
MySpace Quotes

MySpace Quotes

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Finally Friday!

So we had a really eventful and short week this week. Here is a recap! No school Tuesday due to the big presidential election. I hope all of you were part of history and watched as we witnessed an election that our children's children will be reading about in their social studies classes. Whether you were for or against Obama becoming president, you must admit that witnessing history in the making is pretty cool. We can now hope that his vision for our country will bring America back to the top!

Also this week, my 8th grade class had a guest speaker. I hope you all enjoyed learning about the court system and our state judicial system. A special "thanks" to the Judge!!! Hopefully, none of you will ever have to appear in his courtroom unless you are visiting! Also, I am very impressed that 100% of the class turned in a current event! Way to go! Sounds like a reward is coming your way! I'll have to think of something for you all.

Another huge event (per C informing me this morning) is that hunting season has begun. While I am not a big hunting fan, I do know that quite a few of you look forward to this time of year. Most of us are excited that the holidays are coming, but I know you boys are excited about hunting all those cute, innocent animals!! I'm sure K is making a face right about now reading this. I'm with you K, but not everyone feels like we do and that is ok.

Well, lots of fun things going on this weekend. Let's see..... right here in Thibodaux we have Thibodauxville! Great family fun! We also have Friday Night Football! Good luck to all the local teams. Yes, C even S.T.!!! Go Gators! (Don't expect that too often). Then, on Saturday night the big LSU game. I am sure E is excited knowing that he is a huge fan! We'll be watching too.

Last but not least I'd like to send out a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to 2 of our students this week:
A and E. Happy Birthday guys. I hope you had a great day!

See you Monday. Have a safe and relaxing weekend.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Field Trip pic!!!

So I finally posted the pic from the field trip. There it is!!! SOMEONE, I won't mention any names has their head down!!! Can you find them? I hope everyone had a great weekend! I surely did. It was nonstop. We went the the Nicholls Homecoming game yesterday and had lots of fun. The game was great too. I did see a few of our Max students there. You should all try to attend a game. There are 2 home games left, I think. Maybe 3. Ms. B and Ms. D will be back tomorrow and I can not wait to see them. I hope they had a great trip. I hope you all had a safe Halloween night. I'll keep it short tonight. See you all in the morning.